Limulunga Limulunga, Western, ZambiaMbunda Chiefs of the Mbunda People of Limulunga
Mbunda Chiefs of the Mbunda People of Limulunga
Chief Matebo of the Kaonde People of Kalumbila
Chief Katyetye of the Tembo People of Isoka
Chief Kanyama of the Lunda People of Mwinilunga
Chief Chiyengele of the Mbunda People of Kabompo
Senior Chief Mukuni of the Lenje people of Chibombo
Chief Chibuluma of the Kaonde lla people of Mumbwa
Chief Lumpuma of the Lamba people of Lufwanyama
Chief Shibuchinga of the Lamba people of Lufwanyama
Senior Chief Nsefu of the Kunda People of Mambwe
Senior Chief Magodi of the Tumbuka - Senga People of Chasefu
Senior Chief Kalindawalo of the Nsenga People of Petauke